Somebody please give this woman a Chaconia medal.
Today's letter goes out to 95.1 FM/93.5 FM cause I cah really tell the difference.*
Dear Irritating Alternatives to Already Irritating Radio Stations,
I'm not too sure it has come to your attention, but it is humanly impossibly for someone to hear Owl City's "Fireflies" three times in one hour without spontaneously combusting. Perhaps you can find it in your hearts when you do some serious soul-searching to admit it to yourselves that "Owl City" and "shitty" are too close to rhyming to be a coincidence.
Also- and I know that this may come as a shocker to you guys- but America has a black president. Yes, kiddos, that means that the 80s are over. While I do consider any song by Def Leppard or Peter Ceterra to be a fun time for karaoke, I don't think it's morally right for my ears to be pounded with it every single blessed day.
I think you'd be doing our entire country a favour if instead of playing any of the above mentioned songs, you played Denise Belfon's "Bring Out the Jammette in a Meh." Think of how the crime rate could be reduced if instead of shooting each other as a favour when we hear "Fireflies," we could all be jamming on each other in unity instead.
Do it for the kids.
*except for a Thursday night when 95.1 suddenly becomes less foul.**
**These days this is actually kinda debatable.
WEAK!! LOL@ the last paragraph.
ReplyDeleteQuestion. Did it take that 'nothingtodowithmytimesoi'llgethighandwriteasongaboutinsects' song for you to have a shoot yourself moment with those stations?
Wow. Heverytime i jump in a 280C Taxi running from POS to St. James or vice versa i eagerly anticipate a 'shoot myself in the foot moment'.